Anyways, a few hours ago I took a personality test. I would give the link to the site but I don't have it. =(
Apparently I'm extremely charismatic, I have many "grand schemes", I believe in my dreams, I'm manipulative, and I have phenomenal interpersonal skills. I'm a global leaner, I see the big picture. Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Johnny Depp, and Oprah Winfrey all have the same type of personality as I do.
It says I will most likely go into these careers: Counseling, Psychology, Social Work, Education, Physician, Science, Computer Programming, Management, Fashion Merchandising, and Politics.
This is supposed to be one of the most accurate personality tests around.
I just found this kind of... Baffling... Just kinda sudden new image of me I never thought of... So share your thoughts here.
Later y'all,
I also find it a bit strange, but it'd be great to see you as a counselor! lol
That is like almost every possible kind of
Not every, but it's a fairly large list. Bu it says I'm destined for great things! (Hopefully pie!).
lol I didn't notice my Mom's account was logged in. XD
haha yeah, I could see you in either that or psychology..... maybe. lol whatever you do, I'm sure it will involve pie in some way or another.
Pie chef?
possibly..... although i was thinking more along the lines of pie "taster." *actually that job doesn't sound too bad* haha
Nope. I bet it wouldn't have too good of pay though. Just pie instead.
Wrong account again. -_-
Why has your mom given you her password? Is she feeling ok??
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