Friday, August 29, 2008

Personality Test

Sorry I haven't been blogging.

Anyways, a few hours ago I took a personality test.  I would give the link to the site but I don't have it. =(

Apparently I'm extremely charismatic, I have many "grand schemes", I believe in my dreams, I'm manipulative, and I have phenomenal interpersonal skills.  I'm a global leaner, I see the big picture.  Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Johnny Depp, and Oprah Winfrey all have the same type of personality as I do.

It says I will most likely go into these careers: Counseling, Psychology, Social Work, Education, Physician, Science, Computer Programming, Management, Fashion Merchandising, and Politics.

This is supposed to be one of the most accurate personality tests around.

I just found this kind of...  Baffling...  Just kinda sudden new image of me I never thought of...  So share your thoughts here.

Later y'all,


General405 said...

I also find it a bit strange, but it'd be great to see you as a counselor! lol

Getness said...

That is like almost every possible kind of

Robin Olsen said...

Not every, but it's a fairly large list. Bu it says I'm destined for great things! (Hopefully pie!).

Acorn said...

lol I didn't notice my Mom's account was logged in. XD

Globetrotter said...

haha yeah, I could see you in either that or psychology..... maybe. lol whatever you do, I'm sure it will involve pie in some way or another.

Acorn said...

Pie chef?

Globetrotter said...

possibly..... although i was thinking more along the lines of pie "taster." *actually that job doesn't sound too bad* haha

Robin Olsen said...

Nope. I bet it wouldn't have too good of pay though. Just pie instead.

Acorn said...

Wrong account again. -_-

General405 said...

Why has your mom given you her password? Is she feeling ok??