Sunday, August 31, 2008


Time to start blogging again!  I'll be doing a series of posts about life and different topics of it.  So everyone feel free to reply.

The first topic will be... War!

Naturally war is something the vast majority of people don't like, but no one has found a solution to it.  It really would be almost impossible to replace war with a more peaceful way of deciding things, it would require all countries to agree to have the same beliefs which would be impossible not to mention wrong.  I find war to be a repulsive thing, I'd like a solution like paint ball or lazer tag, where lives aren't lost and it proofs your countries skill and power.  Of course this isn't going to happen either.  War is something that will be around as long as humans live.  Well that's enough said on my part, so now it's over to everyone else! 

Can't wait to here your opinion,
Benny The Twitch.


Globetrotter said...

ya war sucks for sure. i like your paintball idea. ^_^

Robin Olsen said...

lol yeah!

General405 said...

You keep using your moms account! =P