Monday, July 21, 2008


Seeing as it's been a month since my last post I've decided to post again.  Here's a few things I wanted to say...

1.  I'm going down to Santacruz for a little over a week on Friday.
2. Dang, mini tacos are good!
3. Bake Pie would be soooooo cool to have. =P
4. Jevon should start blogging again.  
5. I wonder who would win in a fight, Bowser or Darth Vader...
6. I don't like the American flag very much.

That's all folks! =D 


Getness said...

I agree with 2 3 and 6. The winner would sadly be good ol' Darthy (I wish it could be bowser). And have fun in Santa cruz. Maybe he will be on a cruse while your there. =D

Globetrotter said...

Hey I like the way you did that with the 1 - 6. hm... yeah, I agree on 2, 3, and 6 as well. And also 4, cause I never got to see Jevon's blog. =D But seriously, I know we have our "patriotic" colors and all, but I'm not a big fan of the red, white and blue, or our "stars and stripes" design. It worked back in the day, but I think it may be time for a change.

WolfAngel said...

Santacruz! Very cool. I agree with 2, 3, and 4. And I agree with Ryan that Darth Vader would probably win, although Bowser is totally awesome.

Acorn said...

A change in flag would be nice, the problem is that so many people would be like "OMG YOU CAN'T JUST CHANGE THE USA'S FLAG, THAT'S UN-PATRIOTIC!!!!!!". In my opinion sometimes you need to let go of things an move on, some people aren't like that, but moving on IS part of maturing.

Acorn said...

Omg same time!

WolfAngel said...

Haha, it posted mine first. XD

Globetrotter said...

ya... a lot of people would be up in arms about something as major as that. haha, dude we should all get online sometime and see how many posts we could make in a minute! XD

Getness said...

Conserve our traditions! Thats what a lot of people would say. Have any of you seen my voting t shirt? I could go for that being our flag...

Acorn said...

We should use my MK picture (the one at the bottom of the screen) for the US's flag. =D

Globetrotter said...

that would be..... interesting...

General405 said...

I haven't seen it. What's it look like?

Globetrotter said...

It's the one directly under our posts. MK stands for Meta Knight if you didn't know. XD

Getness said...

It would well represent our consumer nation.

Getness said...

Ben, you should post about the play we saw yesterday.

General405 said...

Oops. I looked at it than forgot it even meant meta knight. -_-