Thursday, May 15, 2008

Brawl Party???

Is Jevon going to do one?  I might be able to in a few weeks or so if he can't.  Jevon needs to post here about it. 


General405 said...

you'll have to go to jevon's blog and tell him that.

Getness said...

Jevon says he cant do one because he is too busy. It could be at my house if someone brings a Wii.

General405 said...

if we do it at your house, we could go get lost in the park if we got bored.

Cheesymoose said...

Once I get brawl(who knows when) I might be able to.

Getness said...

Oh yeah I haven't been to the park with any of my friends in a long time. Im not sure whether Marie would like it or not though.

Getness said...

Remember when I fell in like 5 times and we found what looked like a hobo place?

General405 said...

i do. i also remember when we got stuck and had to wade through the stream.

Acorn said...

That place has a lot of funny memories, and a lot of bad ones. So I think I'll pass on going again.

Getness said...

Yes very fond and painful memories

Acorn said...

I don't know if I'd use the word "fond" to describe them.

General405 said...

i sure would. they may be uncomfortable and painful, but we shouldn't let that stop them from being good memories. it's fun to do that kind of stuff.

General405 said...

i also feel i must point out that i beat ryan at guitar hero.

Acorn said...

Okay then, you do that.

Getness said...

why is that a big deal?

Acorn said...

I dunno.

General405 said...

chinese food is good.

Acorn said...

That was random.

General405 said...

it sure was.